
Location process

Full service for new tenants

Infraserv Höchst has extensive experience helping new members of the Industriepark Höchst family expand, relocate or locate in its park. It provides everything from assessing needs to identifying suitable space, handling the planning, permitting and implementation to actively helping your employees integrate. Contact us to learn more.

Industriepark Höchst

4+2 steps to support your project success

  1. 01


    We help you identify your needs and work with you to develop a personalized solution. This includes selecting the right space. You can choose from research and development real estate ranging from 100 m² to 1,000 m² per unit and plots of up to 50,000 m².

    Available properties and brochures

  2. 02


    Our services also include identifying and meeting your infrastructure, utilities and feedstock requirements.

    High-performance infrastructure

  3. 03
    Human resources

    Human resources

    Skilled workers will be attracted to your new location by our employee services – including help in finding a home and dealing with local authorities, comprehensive health care, child care, continuing education and active recruiting support from Provadis. Companies unfamiliar with the European and German market can enlist our assistance in drafting contracts and complying with local laws.

    Vocational training and continuing education at Industriepark Höchst

  4. 04


    If you wish, Infraserv Höchst can plan and implement your new construction or conversion project, including start-to-finish management of all the building, operation and modification permits. Your facility will be up and running quickly thanks to our long-standing industry experience, the pre-existing infrastructure with a complete utilities and waste management system, and our excellent contacts with local authorities and in-depth knowledge of local laws.

    Our services also include permit management .

  5. 05


    Your plant is guaranteed to run safely and smoothly thanks to Infraserv Höchst, the park's highly capable operator, the on-site network of companies and countless other service providers. The park's central location and excellent transportation links keep you close to your customers.

    Infraserv Höchst, the perfect partner at Industriepark Höchst

  6. 06


    Industriepark Höchst has everything you need to fast-track your growth. We will accompany you every step of the way.

    Infraserv Höchst, a strong partner for your future growth

Rapid needs assessment

Definition of your space and service requirements

We help you identify your needs and work with you to develop a personalized solution. This includes selecting the right space. You can choose among research and development properties ranging from 100 m² to 1,000 m² per unit as well as land parcels of up to 50,000 m².

Recruit skilled workers

High-touch support for employees

Skilled workers will be attracted to your new location by our employee services – including help in finding a home and dealing with local authorities, comprehensive health care, child care, continuing education and active recruiting support. Companies unfamiliar with the European and German market can enlist our assistance in drafting contracts and complying with local laws.

Planning, permitting and implementation

On-site expertise for rapid commissioning

If you wish, Infraserv Höchst can plan and implement your new construction or conversion project, including start-to-finish management of all the building, operation and modification permits.

Your facility will be up and running quickly thanks to our long-standing industry experience, excellent relationships with local authorities and pre-existing infrastructure with a complete utilities and waste management system.


Who owns the Industriepark Höchst?

The owner of the Industriepark Höchst is the Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG.

Who can relocate or expand to the Industriepark Höchst?

Companies in life sciences, chemicals and material engineering as well as service companies in related fields.

What are the costs of relocating to the Industriepark Höchst?

Relocating companies incur no costs other than the usual ones (telephone and internet lines, etc.). This does not include special construction work requested and ordered by a new customer, which is billed separately.

How quickly can I relocate my company to the Industriepark Höchst?

If there is vacant space in a suitable building at the Park, you will only need a few weeks to relocate (from your first contact to moving in).

How about safety and security at the Industriepark Höchst?

Several teams deal with these issues: corporate security, plant and system safety as well as occupational safety and health.

Infraserv offers a wide range of services and training courses relating to safety and security. It has also implemented numerous measures to protect both the companies and their employees. These measures include the Industrial Clinic’s emergency medical service or the corporate-security department’s gatekeeping activities at the Industriepark Höchst’s gates.

What special facilities are available at the Industriepark Höchst?

The Industriepark Höchst offers a closed infrastructure to provide all the utilities, supplies and disposal services that companies in the Park need. That includes water treatment, gas and electricity generation, a biological wastewater-treatment facility, sewage-sludge and hazardous-waste incineration and an inland port for transshipping dangerous goods.

What connects the Industriepark Höchst to Hoechst AG?

Until 1998, the Industriepark Höchst was known as the Hoechst AG parent plant. Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG started managing the site in 1998, when Hoechst AG’s individual operations were transferred to independent companies.

Since then, the Industriepark Höchst has been transformed from a one-company site to an international Industriepark Höchst that is home to many companies.

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