
Sustainability at Industriepark Höchst
The main SDGs for participating park tenants
Good health and well-being
Ensure a healthy life for all people of all ages and promote their well-being

Safety & health in the workplace have a high priority at the Industriepark companies. It is not without reason that the accident rate is one of the most important key figures, which is also reflected in the target agreements of the top management. The focus is on the health of all employees. Of course, it is also about compliance with all legal requirements, smooth production processes, additional costs and potential image damage that could be associated with accidents or operational disruptions. Industriepark Höchst has a long tradition as a research and production site for pharmaceuticals. Today, this tradition is essentially continued by Sanofi. Medicines from Industriepark Höchst, including one of the world's largest insulin production sites, are vital to many people around the world whose quality of life is improved by technological and scientific innovations from Industriepark Höchst.
Clean water
Responsible management of water resources

Water is an essential resource for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Large quantities of water are also needed at Industriepark Höchst for purposes ranging from product manufacturing to process cooling.
And that makes it doubly important to responsibly manage valuable water resources. The water supply system at Industriepark Höchst relies mainly on the Main River: 95% of the water used at the park is drawn from the Main – hence its name, “river water”. Approx. 66 million m³ of river water are currently extracted from the Main every year.
As with any valuable resource, it is important to get the most out of extracted water. That is why it is “recycled” in sophisticated processes and then reused up to 50 times. In every cycle of this procedure, treated river water passes through evaporative cooling systems, where its temperature drops as much as 8 degrees Celsius, before returning to the companies’ production processes. Once it has served its purpose, the water is extensively purified and discharged back into the Main River.
Infraserv Höchst is also investing in a new automated river water works to replace the current plant, which is nearly 100 years old.
Affordable and clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

More than other industries, the chemical industry in Germany is in demand when it comes to advancing future technologies and developing sustainable solutions for energy supply, mobility and many other areas. One example is hydrogen technology, which Industriepark Höchst has been advancing for many years and which has the potential to help significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Industriepark Höchst has invested in modernizing its energy-production facilities, making the coal phase-out a reality. The production of biogas and biomethane, the use of waste heat from production and incineration plants, and high-heat-value waste to supply energy are other practical examples of measures already taken at Industriepark Höchst. Industriepark Höchst is an innovation hub for companies looking for an optimal environment to implement resource-saving technology solutions.
The responsible use of natural resources is a key issue for the chemical industry, particularly with regard to energy supply.
Decent work and economic growth
Promote lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Out of their own economic interests, the Industriepark companies strive for lasting, sustainable growth, not only in relation to their own activities, but also in relation to the Industriepark as a research and production location, the Rhine-Main region, Germany and Europe. Strategies and operational activities are geared towards successful, entrepreneurial action that always focuses not only on short-term economic benefit, but also on harmony with economic and social aspects. The long-term effects of entrepreneurial decisions are also always taken into account.
Full employment in the sense of a labour market situation in which sufficiently qualified skilled workers are available and young people are optimally prepared for everyday working life and the demands of the world of work in schools and universities through classic dual training and additional qualification measures is desirable from the point of view of all companies. The industrial estate companies support this goal through extensive activities in the areas of training and further education.
Decent working conditions are a matter of course at Industriepark Höchst and for the companies located here. The companies go above and beyond the regulations set forth by law and collective bargaining agreements to create optimal conditions for their employees. Compliance with labor laws is also important when working with suppliers, service providers and partner companies.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and support innovation

Innovation has a long tradition at Industriepark Höchst. For more than 150 years, research and development has been conducted at the site to develop life-saving medicines, high-performance plastics, effective crop protection agents and future-oriented technology solutions. The networking of large, internationally active companies with innovative start-ups as well as the optimal framework conditions at the site make the industrial park one of the most dynamic innovation locations for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Continuous innovation activities ensure the future viability of the companies, the location and the industry.
At the same time, Industriepark Höchst is a large production site with around 120 facilities. The proximity of research and production is one of Industriepark Höchst's locational advantages.
The infrastructure - energy supply, waste and wastewater disposal, IT networks, security facilities, logistics, etc. - is tailored to the needs of the site's companies and is continuously being developed. This means that industrial activities at the site have a long-term future, because thanks to internationally competitive conditions, Industriepark Höchst can also hold its own in a global comparison with other industrial sites.
Responsible consumption and production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

The chemical industry is driving the further development of the circular economy to establish and continuously optimize sustainable, resource-conserving production processes. One example at Industriepark Höchst is the planned recycling of phosphates from sewage-sludge ash, which is produced when sewage sludge is incinerated.
In this context, advancing digitalization is also helping to remodel production processes and generate additional potential for increasing efficiency through the more systematic collection and evaluation of data - in terms of costs and productivity, but also in terms of the use of resources and sustainable production processes.
The industrial estate companies take the view that responsibility extends beyond their own production processes and that sustainability impacts and opportunities along the entire value chain must also be taken into account.
The industrial estate companies live up to their responsibility for product quality by investing in state-of-the-art production facilities and in safety and quality controls.
The companies position themselves vis-à-vis employees, the market and society as high-performance, sustainably operating organizations that meet the highest ethical standards. The understanding of corporate responsibility also includes meeting strict compliance requirements and continuous risk management.
Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects

The chemical industry is one of the most energy-intensive industries, which consequently requires large amounts of fossil fuels and emits large amounts of CO2. The manufacturing companies in Industriepark Höchst are therefore also part of the problem when it comes to climate change and its effects. But above all, the chemical industry is also part of the solution. Because the industry's energy needs are particularly high, striving for energy efficiency, potential savings and the search for intelligent alternatives to traditional fossil fuels have always been a top priority. Chemical companies have already systematically introduced energy-saving programs and implemented extensive efficiency-boosting measures for purely economic reasons, at a time when society's sensitivity to climate change and its consequences was still far from being present.
Today, the chemical industry in Germany is in demand above all when it comes to developing future technologies and working out sustainable solution concepts for energy supply, mobility and many other areas.
Partnerships for the goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Cooperations are a crucial success factor for creating sustainable value chains, identifying common goals with partners and developing climate-neutral solutions. The "process4sustainabilty" cluster is the latest example of a partnership that will breathe new life into sustainable development. In a variety of ways, the industrial estate companies are in continuous dialogue with different political decision-making levels, associations and federations, initiatives and communities of interest in order to facilitate an exchange of experience. Strengthening means of implementation in this context means supporting the various initiatives (e.g. LEEN = Learning Energy Efficiency Network Frankfurt).
For 20 years, Infraserv Höchst, as the site operator, has represented the companies in Industriepark Höchst in the immediate local community through a donation concept that provides annual grants totaling EUR 75,000 to worthy projects by associations, initiatives, schools, parishes and institutions. Other sponsoring activities support cultural, social and civic life (Höchster Schlossfest, Rheingau Music Festival) or special sports activities ("Basketball macht Schule").