
Höchster Sterbekasse VVaG

Burial insurance

Höchster Sterbekasse VVaG is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in Germany with decades of experience in burial insurance.

Höchster Sterbekasse VVaG is a mutual insurance association regulated by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). All of the activities associated with Höchst Sterbekasse VVaG's business are performed by Pensionskasse der Mitarbeiter der Hoechst-Gruppe VVaG under an outsourcing agreement. Höchster Sterbekasse VVaG is a tax-exempt organization that has no outside sales force, no sales charges and very low administrative overheads.

It was established to pay burial benefits to the survivors of deceased members in accordance with its articles of association.

Höchster Sterbekasse VVaG